Why do we human fight a war?
Why do we human use violence?
Why do we human sometimes hate and reject each other?
Do we have nothing to avoid them?
Be-Production is an animation studio, began with these questions in 2006.
Be-Production believes that Just by changing the way to communicate we can avoid conflicts and fights. To show that power of communication, we have worked on creating animation movies that explain how to communicate “well” with others in our life. With focus on the role of communication in conflict management, we introduce different concepts, theories, and methods that could lead you to better communication, better relationship, and better life.
Company Name: Be-Production, Inc.
Representative: Yuko Takabe
Major Business Area: Amination movie production
If a character in a story does neither fight nor defeat the villain, does he still deserve to be called a hero? At our animation studio Be-Production we think that a hero is not necessarily a fighter. Perhaps a real hero is the person who asks himself questions about the “villain” and through conversation and communication establishes a bridge of words between two different positions. We tell the stories of such heroes in the belief that they will lead to world peace.
Once upon a time there lived a warrior called Momotaro who didn’t like fighting. One day, when he was eating his kibi cake, something strange appeared and…
This story shows us how we can manage conflicts peacefully by introducing the traditional Hawaiian “Ho’oponopono” method.
¥1,980 ($18)
One day Johnny, a penguin, and Percy, a seal, start arguing over food. They both insist: “the fish is mine!”. How will they manage to solve this conflict?
This story teaches us the “I message” communication style, which helps us resolve arguments constructively.
¥1,980 ($18)
In class, students are arguing about what they want to perform for the class play. Half the class wants to play “Urashima Taro”, while the other half wants to play “Ugly Duckling”. What will their decision be? This story shows us several dynamics and techniques of conflict resolution.
¥1,980 ($18)
For Peace education
In our new works, “Christmas at the Office” and “Under the Orange Trees”, we introduce basic theories in the field of Peace Studies and Conflict Management, which have been developed by Professor Johan Galtung.
About Johan Galtung
Professor Johan Galtung is a world-renowned peace and mediation expert. He conducted meditation in his lifetime in over 130 conflicts around the globe and is widely known as the founder of ‘peace studies’, having developed key concepts and theories in the field, such as ‘positive vs. negative peace’, ‘structural violence’ and ‘peacebuilding’.
We firmly believe that learning the concepts and theories developed by Galtung is greatly meaningful for all of us. Therefore, we have created short movies to introduce them through everyday scenes in plain term so that anyone can easily understand so far.
Now these two short movies are widely viewed in class of junior high school and high school in Japan. Since 2016, more and more students have viewed them, come to realize the importance of communication method, and started to pay attention to their way to communicate with others. This is the very impact we expect for our works and we hope these changes spread more in the world in the future.
For more detail of Johan Galtung
Often referred to as the “Father of Peace Studies,” Norwegian theorist Johan Galtung has developed a three pronged typology of violence that represents how a confluence of malleable factors merge in particular cultural/historical moments to shape the conditions for the promotion of violence (and, by inference, peace) to function as normative. These forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
In this story, with the example of a supervisor who abuses authority over subordinates, you can understand what a three-pronged typology is and will get tips to solve a harassment problem at your workplace.
¥1,980 ($18)
How could we create peaceful societies? To eradicate violence will be at least needed, but it is not enough. Peace is not just the absence of violence. It is much more.
Then, what we need other than making sure the absence of violence? According to Professor Johan Galtung, peace can be understood through the concepts of “positive peace” and “negative peace”. Negative peace is just the absence of violence or the fear of violence; it is the definition of peace that we use in the Global Peace Index.
Positive peace is the attitudes, institutions, and structures, that when strengthened, lead to peaceful societies and this is the very thing that what we believe that we need to create peaceful society.
In this story, with the example of two countries, which hate each other and are about to start a war, we introduce the concepts of the concepts of “positive peace” and “negative peace” in plain term.
We hope that our short movies will answer the following simple but fundamental questions;
Why do we human fight a war?
Why do we human use violence?
Why do we human sometimes hate and reject each other?
Do we have nothing to avoid them?
¥1,980 ($18)